Launches Real-Time Settlement and Offline Payments

Published 9 months ago

Leading European cloud-based neobank,, has rolled out two new product features aimed at simplifying business operations across Europe.

Real-Time Settlement for Near-Instant Access to Funds

The first of these features is Real-Time Settlement, which grants the merchant community access to funds almost instantaneously. Transactions can now be settled within 60 minutes, a drastic improvement on the previous next-day settlement scheme.

Offline Payments to Mitigate Network Disruptions

The second introduced feature is Offline Payments. This feature is designed to reduce the possibility of sales loss due to network connectivity issues.’s Offline Payments allows card-present transaction acceptance, even when a merchant cannot connect to a network at the point of sale.

Innovative Payment Solutions for All Businesses’s payment solutions empower businesses of all sizes with innovative tools to streamline operations and increase sales. The Terminal app transforms smart devices into card terminals, while the Smart Checkout payment gateway can boost conversion rates by up to 21%, supporting over 30 payment methods. The platform caters to a wide spectrum of businesses, from freelancers, taxis, hotels, and restaurants, to Europe-wide marketplaces.
The two new features, Real-Time Settlement and Offline Payments, will initially be available for businesses holding a Account, thereby enhancing cash flow and expense management. These features join’s growing product suite for merchants, which includes a business debit card to manage, automate, and monitor corporate expenses, and reduces transaction fees to as low as 0%.

Kostas Xiradakis, VP Product and Growth at, highlighted the value of these fresh features. He noted that businesses would no longer need to wait for funds to be processed from completed sales or miss out on sales due to network connectivity problems.’s Recent Successes

These latest product innovations follow a series of successful months for, which recently offered Tap to Pay on iPhone with its Terminal app. This feature enabled UK merchants to accept contactless payments with their iPhone, eliminating the need for additional hardware.

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