Matt Henderson Joins Volt as Special Advisor

Published 9 months ago

Former Stripe Europe CEO, Matt Henderson, has been appointed as a special advisor to the board of Volt, a London-based open payments gateway.

A Wealth of Experience

Henderson was previously at the helm of Stripe’s Europe operations for three years. Prior to that, he led product management at Google after the tech behemoth acquired his shopping analytics firm, Rangespan. He has also held the position of product director at Amazon.

About Volt

Volt, founded in 2019, provides seamless access to Open Banking payments across Europe. It connects more than 5000 banks across the United Kingdom and the European Union, paving the way for a new generation of account-to-account payments infrastructure through a single point of access.

Earlier this year, the company secured $60 million in a Series B funding round as it gears up for international expansion.

Henderson’s and Greenwood’s Statements

Henderson has expressed his admiration for Volt’s approach to addressing the fragmented infrastructure problem of account-to-account payments, saying, “They manage performance at the most granular level, yet abstract away complexity for their customers. I’m excited to join the team.”

Volt’s CEO Tom Greenwood, speaking about Henderson’s appointment, stated, “As we prepare for global expansion, having Matt onboard will be instrumental in helping us shape our product roadmap in order to help realise our mission for real-time payments everywhere.”