Kontist Founder Christopher Plantener Launches New Tax Startup

Published 8 months ago

Christopher Plantener, the founder of banking startup Kontist, is reportedly working on a new tax-related venture. Plantener recently left Kontist, which he had sold to Danish competitor Ageras for a substantial sum last year.

A New Venture in Stealth Mode

Despite keeping details under wraps, Plantener hinted on his LinkedIn profile that he is currently working on something new in the tax field. This comes after his departure from Kontist in August, ending nearly eight years as the founder and CEO. Kontist was a respected name in the fintech scene, with approximately 50,000 freelancers using its bank account. The Berlin-based company had attracted more than 30 million euros in investment.

Neuplaner GmbH: Plantener’s New Company

According to commercial register records, Plantener, 47, registered a new company last week named “Neuplaner GmbH”. The company is set to provide professional assistance in tax matters, including activities in line with the professional rights of tax advisors.

While at Kontist, Plantener had already dabbled in the tax field. The fintech company offered tax return services for freelancers and managed communication with the tax office. The fact that he is founding again in the same field shortly after his departure is noteworthy.

Former Kontist Veterans Joining the New Venture

Equally notable is that Plantener has teamed up with two former colleagues from Kontist, Benjamin Esser and Melchior Neumann. Esser served as CEO from 2020 to 2023, while Neumann set up the tax advisory business for the banking startup. All three hold nearly equal shares in the new company, as per the commercial register records. A small stake is also held by attorney Guido Kluck.

Kontist Struggling with Complaints

There have been no official statements from Plantener or any entries in the German Patent and Trademark Office relating to Neuplaner GmbH. However, sources close to the company suggest that the fintech startup’s tax product will not only cater to freelancers. It will reportedly cover areas such as property tax and e-invoicing – the largely automated exchange of invoices between companies and financial authorities. The founders are believed to see new opportunities for automating tax matters through a technical platform.

This new venture could be a response to recent developments at Kontist. According to Finance Forward, the new owner has scaled back the tax service and significantly increased prices. Since July, customers have had to pay approximately 180 euros per month, up from the previous 99 euros. Complaints have been piling up on review platforms Trustpilot and Google, providing Plantener with a potential opportunity for his new company.