Generali Launches Fintech Venture Fund

Published 9 months ago

Insurance giant Generali has launched a venture capital initiative named ‘Generali Ventures’. The initiative aims to accelerate innovation, penetrate new markets, and boost the Group’s operational efficiencies.

A €250 Million Commitment to Innovation

Generali Ventures has been allocated €250 million to identify and invest in promising investment opportunities. The fund will primarily focus on insurtech and fintech sectors. The initiative was launched in 2022 after an exhaustive analysis of over 100 venture capital funds.

Strategic Investments

Generali Ventures has already made strategic investments in three initiatives. These include Mundi Ventures, which specializes in insurtech technologies, Speedinvest, which focuses on early-stage start-ups, and Dawn, which invests in B2B software solutions.

The search for cutting-edge innovation covers a broad spectrum of technologies that are reshaping the insurance industry. These technologies range from artificial intelligence and cybersecurity to mobility and healthcare.

Fostering Global Innovation

The fund targets innovative start-ups at various stages, from pre-seed to late-stage, with a geographic focus that extends to venture capital funds in Europe and the United States. Bruno Scaroni, Group Chief Transformation Officer of Generali, expressed that the venture capital initiative would lead to long-term investments in the global innovation ecosystem.

Impact on the Insurance Sector

Generali Ventures is expected to have a positive impact on the insurance sector. It will stimulate the development of innovative projects, open up new collaboration opportunities, and integrate initiatives contributing to the overall transformation of the Group.

Part of a Larger Strategy

Generali Ventures is part of the “Lifetime Partner 24: Driving Growth” strategic plan. This strategy includes €1.1 billion cumulatively invested in the digital and technological transformation of the Group. Leading innovation and digital transformation is one of the key pillars of the strategy, with the Group committed to developing sustainable business models for the future.