Bling: Revolutionizing Family Finance in Europe

Published 8 months ago

Bling, Europe’s pioneer Family FinTech, is set to redefine traditional retail banking for families. The company’s recent launch of Family+ and Parent Card signifies Bling’s evolution into a comprehensive family finance platform, aiming to meet all family members’ financial needs.

Rapid Growth and Innovative Solutions

Since its inception in Berlin last year, Bling has witnessed exponential growth, currently serving over 50,000 families on its platform. The company’s innovative approach to family finances is evident in its introductions of the pocket money solution and the Savings Trees. The latter, launched in the summer, offers a family-friendly and educational approach to sustainable investment.

Parent Card: A Step Forward

The launch of the Parent Card, supported by leading VCs La Famiglia and Peak, represents Bling’s commitment to becoming an everyday financial companion for families. Nils Feigenwinter, CEO and co-founder of Bling, states that the Parent Card fulfills many parents’ wish for a simple and supportive financial solution, similar to the Bling pocket money card.

Designed to simplify personal finance management for adults, the Parent Card is a prepaid Mastercard that can be ordered via the Bling app with a few clicks. It offers worldwide functionality and is integrated into the Bling platform, featuring useful statistics and connection to the family task-planner within the app.

Family+: An All-Inclusive Family Finance Solution

The Parent Card forms part of the newly launched Family+ subscription, which provides further benefits, including those associated with the Savings Trees, Bling’s family-friendly investment product. This latest development highlights Bling’s transformation from a pocket money app to a comprehensive and educational family platform.

Addressing Family Finance Dissatisfaction

The need for such a platform is underscored by a study commissioned by Bling and Mastercard. The study found that nearly half of parents (49%) are unhappy with their banks’ responsiveness to their family’s financial needs. Bling’s innovative approach to family finance aims to bridge this gap, offering user-friendly and supportive solutions for all family members.